We started our religious education for middle schoolers today.
Most of the students showed up with some notable absences. I will have to talk with the parents of a kid that I totally thought they were going to join us this year.
We have a new teacher joining us this year. Paul is scary-smart about Catholism. I'm definitely intimidated by his knowledge. It meant a lot that he told me he was impressed the way the class went.
On the class we opened by reminding the kids about another Catholic kid: Mattie Stepanek. This catholic kid touched millions with his poetry and sadly it passed away due to the incurable disease that affected him.
I played a bit of an Oprah special about him so that the kids would have a sense of who he was.
I then went on saying that we wrote a very sad poem about 9/11.
We pivoted into talking about 9/11 and after reminding them how to properly pray and why we're going to pray and who we were going to pray for, we had a prayer for all the victims of 9/11, the victims the emergency responders and, yes, we did prayed for the terrorists. We also prayed for wisdom to understand when terrible things happen.
I tried to get the kids attention by pointing out that many kids died that day as well.
We pivoted into talking about "what does a Catholic believes?".
We brought up the apostles prayer in the book and analyzed it sentence by sentence. Used the oportunity to remind the kids how much they had in common with people from other religions.
And also reminded them what makes us different from other Christians.
After finishing with the study we made sure the subject stuck by asking each one to name one thing that Catholics believed in.
At the end of the class Paul told the kids he was impressed with them and told me that it is amazing how it all fit together at the end. He admitted he didn't understand were I was going in the beginning! Phew!
Regarding Mattie I have to admit I didn't know he was Catholic until I read more about him after the class. I talked about him because I thought it was instructive to bring up a person that was considered good by so many and then point out how dark was his writing about 9/11. I remeber what he wrote about 9/11 because I read it online soon after the events.
I was surprised that a ver different poem was being advertised today as something he wrote in 9/11.
I believe that one was a blog entry made on the day of the events and the other a more profound poem written later (maybe later that day)